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What will the business communications of the future look like?

With communications technologies constantly improving how can you keep your customers involved and up-to-date? The answer: by offering them a unified communications solution.

Keeping Pace

With communication technology continually advancing and the latest products and versions regularly being released it’s vital, as a communications provider, that you ensure you always offer the latest technologies or your customers may start to look elsewhere.

Even if a new technology seems destined to fail, it could become the de facto communications standard of tomorrow. It’s therefore necessary for communications resellers to keep an eye on the market so that you can keep your customers on the cutting edge.


Connectivity is key

Tomorrow’s workforce will be always connected, reachable and able to use any application wherever they may be. Keep your finger on the pulse of applications that integrate with corporate communications and allow your customers to take their offices mobile.

95% of UK homes and businesses will have access to superfast broadband by 2017.

Since August 2000, available broadband speeds in the UK have risen from 0.5 megabits per second to 1000 megabits per second.

Communicate everywhere

In the future, customers will need their employees to be contactable from anywhere, using devices that can communicate in every possible way.

In 2000, 50% of adults in the UK made use of a mobile phone.

In 2014, 94% of adults in the UK are making use of a mobile phone.

What’s more, as of Q1 2013, 49% of adults in the UK used their mobile phones for internet access.

With global mobile traffic currently representing 17.4% of all internet traffic – and rapidly increasing – mobile is a technology that can’t be ignored. By creating unified communications solutions which incorporate mobile and superfast broadband, you’re already on your way to being a communications supplier of the future.

Keeping an eye on the market

Recently the communications market has seen a rapid decrease in the number of customers taking ISDN channels. In fact, in a single year, nearly a third of a million ISDN channels were lost in the UK as people began adapting SIP trunks.

Research predicted that by the end of 2013 more than 75% of UK businesses would be using at least one type of cloud service. You need to ensure you’re using cloud based telephony in order to future-proof your business communications.

Making sure your communication is unified

So how should your business adapt?

By ensuring you have a unified communications offering which includes these four key trends:

› Fast connectivity
› Accessibility for mobile devices
› Modern, flexible SIP Trunking
› And a cloud offering for enhanced end-user control