Developing your company’s marketing content takes a special skill that builds trust and positions your brand as an authority while avoiding a sales pitch

Easier said than done! So, we’ve pulled together our top tips for creating marketing
content that performs:

Write what the customer wants to read

You work in the same industry as your target audience, so start by thinking, ‘would I want to read that?’. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas of what your customers would want to read, talk to them – learn their pain points, goals and the words they use to describe what’s important. This could give some valuable nuggets that you can then transform into killer marketing content. Starting copy with a problem your customer recognises will get their attention and help them relate.


Thought leadership is key to a winning content marketing strategy

Establish thought leadership

Your regular content is focused on the needs, questions, or problems and connects with prospects or current customers by helping them with a very specific issue they’re researching or confronting in the moment.

It speaks to an entire way of doing things. It will not usually deal with one practical,
immediate problem. Instead, it is part of a broader industry conversation.

Thought leadership shouldn’t be your entire content strategy, but it is an essential piece of the puzzle. Deep, insightful content of this kind helps distinguish your brand against your competitors, gain trust and position you as an authority in your industry

Thought leadership shouldn’t be your entire content strategy, but it is an essential piece of the puzzle.

Get more out of your existing content

Why reinvent the wheel? The best content takes time, effort, and skill to produce. Before you invest in creating new content look at the content you’ve already got – in particular the pieces that have produced the best results – and think about how you can repurpose it. See our infographic to discover how you can make the most out of your existing marketing content: ‘The 3Rs of marketing content’.

Don’t forget to make use of the resources available to you

Every Gamma Channel Partner has free access to Accelerate, our online partner
marketing portal; a simple and secure platform that’s designed to make it easy for you to customise white label marketing material, generate new leads and engage with prospects and customers.

As well as a range of premium campaign features, such as automated lead nurture workflows and web banners, Gamma Accelerate is home to over 400 pieces of collateral – from eGuides, infographics and campaign images, through to product brochures, logos and sales enablement guides.