What we heard

You’ve told us that epic CX requires many things; a customer centric mindset, on-going evaluation, a commitment to continuous improvement. You’re figuring out where Gen AI fits into the mix, and what channels you need to future-proof your business. You know that one-size doesn’t fit all. And like any business challenge, you’ve demonstrated how fixing it needs the right toolset, skillset and mindset.

How we collated these insights

Over the last 12 months we asked 100 IT and Customer Experience leaders to give us their insights into what makes epic CX. Through the trusted methodology of sticky notes, we collected them together and curated this CIO guide to epic CX.

Epic CX is feeling connected, and it’s all about a journey of two parts. It’s about transitioning from old systems before you can transform into new ones. It’s far from easy, but luckily help is at hand.

Get the CIO’s guide to Epic CX